I remember this: when I was a kid, there was a saying. I don't know if I heard it from my parents, or grandparents, or teachers, or if I read it somewhere ... most likely, I'm thinking it was just the common sentiment of the time. And it makes me sad that I haven't heard anybody saying it lately. It went like this: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." People who say that are the people that I want to see defending this great country.
America is still about freedom, people. Don't let the TSA fool you. It's not about security or privilege -- it's about being able to believe, say and do whatever the heck you want and not have anybody be able to do squat about it. It's about being the underdog, and winning anyway. It's about coming from nothing, and making something of yourself. It's about viewing every obstacle placed in your path as a growth opportunity, and growing.
I am thankful that we still have freedom. Even if most of my countrymen have forgotten that we do.